barcode4j 2.1.0

Uses of Interface

Packages that use BarcodeLogicHandler
org.krysalis.barcode4j Main package of Barcode4J. 
org.krysalis.barcode4j.impl This package contains the implementations (logic and layout) of the various barcode symbologies. 
org.krysalis.barcode4j.impl.fourstate This package contains implementations for the four-state family of barcode symbologies. 
org.krysalis.barcode4j.impl.int2of5 This package contains the Interleave 2 of 5 implementation. 
org.krysalis.barcode4j.impl.postnet This package contains the POSTNET implementation. 
org.krysalis.barcode4j.impl.upcean This package contains the UPC and EAN implementations. 

Uses of BarcodeLogicHandler in org.krysalis.barcode4j

Subinterfaces of BarcodeLogicHandler in org.krysalis.barcode4j
 interface ClassicBarcodeLogicHandler
          This interface defines methods to build classic 1D barcodes.
 interface TwoDimBarcodeLogicHandler
          This interface provides an interface to generate basic 2D barcodes like PDF417 and DataMatrix.

Uses of BarcodeLogicHandler in org.krysalis.barcode4j.impl

Classes in org.krysalis.barcode4j.impl that implement BarcodeLogicHandler
 class AbstractVariableHeightLogicHandler
          Logic Handler to be used by subclasses of HeightVariableBarcodeBean for painting on a Canvas.
 class DefaultCanvasLogicHandler
          Default Logic Handler implementation for painting on a Canvas.
 class DefaultTwoDimCanvasLogicHandler
          Default 2D Logic Handler implementation for painting on a Canvas.
 class LoggingLogicHandlerProxy
          Proxy class for logging.

Uses of BarcodeLogicHandler in org.krysalis.barcode4j.impl.fourstate

Classes in org.krysalis.barcode4j.impl.fourstate that implement BarcodeLogicHandler
 class FourStateLogicHandler
          Logic Handler to be used by "four-state" barcodes for painting on a Canvas.

Uses of BarcodeLogicHandler in org.krysalis.barcode4j.impl.int2of5

Classes in org.krysalis.barcode4j.impl.int2of5 that implement BarcodeLogicHandler
 class ITF14CanvasLogicHandler
          Specialized logic handler for ITF-14 (to paint the bearer bar).

Uses of BarcodeLogicHandler in org.krysalis.barcode4j.impl.postnet

Classes in org.krysalis.barcode4j.impl.postnet that implement BarcodeLogicHandler
 class POSTNETLogicHandler
          Logic Handler for POSTNET.

Uses of BarcodeLogicHandler in org.krysalis.barcode4j.impl.upcean

Classes in org.krysalis.barcode4j.impl.upcean that implement BarcodeLogicHandler
 class UPCEANCanvasLogicHandler
          Logic Handler implementation for painting on a Canvas.

barcode4j 2.1.0

Copyright © 2000-2010 Jeremias Maerki. All rights reserved.