barcode4j 2.1.0

Class DefaultCanvasLogicHandler

  extended by org.krysalis.barcode4j.impl.DefaultCanvasLogicHandler
All Implemented Interfaces:
BarcodeLogicHandler, ClassicBarcodeLogicHandler
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class DefaultCanvasLogicHandler
extends java.lang.Object
implements ClassicBarcodeLogicHandler

Default Logic Handler implementation for painting on a Canvas.

$Id:,v 1.10 2009/03/11 10:42:15 jmaerki Exp $

Field Summary
protected  AbstractBarcodeBean bcBean
          the barcode bean
protected  Canvas canvas
          the canvas to paint on
protected  BarcodeDimension dimensions
          the barcode dimensions
Constructor Summary
DefaultCanvasLogicHandler(AbstractBarcodeBean bcBean, Canvas canvas)
          Main constructor.
Method Summary
 void addBar(boolean black, int width)
          This method indicates a new bar to be painted.
 void endBarcode()
          This is always the last method called.
 void endBarGroup()
          This method indicates the end of a previously started bar group.
protected  double getStartX()
          Returns the start X position of the bars.
protected  double getStartY()
          Returns the start Y position of the bars.
protected  double getTextBaselinePosition()
          Returns the vertical text baseline position.
 void startBarcode(java.lang.String msg, java.lang.String formattedMsg)
          This is always the first method called.
 void startBarGroup(BarGroup type, java.lang.String submsg)
          This method is called when a new group of bars is about to start.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected AbstractBarcodeBean bcBean
the barcode bean


protected Canvas canvas
the canvas to paint on


protected BarcodeDimension dimensions
the barcode dimensions

Constructor Detail


public DefaultCanvasLogicHandler(AbstractBarcodeBean bcBean,
                                 Canvas canvas)
Main constructor.

bcBean - the barcode implementation class
canvas - the canvas to paint to
Method Detail


protected double getStartX()
Returns the start X position of the bars.

the start X position of the bars.


protected double getStartY()
Returns the start Y position of the bars.

the start Y position of the bars.


public void startBarcode(java.lang.String msg,
                         java.lang.String formattedMsg)
This is always the first method called. It is called to inform the logic handler that a new barcode is about to be painted.

Specified by:
startBarcode in interface BarcodeLogicHandler
msg - full message to be encoded
formattedMsg - message as it is to be presented in the human-readable part


public void startBarGroup(BarGroup type,
                          java.lang.String submsg)
This method is called when a new group of bars is about to start. A group of bars may be generated by a character (or group of characters) of the message to be encoded or by a start/end control group.

Specified by:
startBarGroup in interface ClassicBarcodeLogicHandler
type - a constant indicating the type of group. The meaning of the integer values is implementation-dependant.
submsg - In case of parts of the message to be encoded this parameter holds the character or characters being encoded.


public void addBar(boolean black,
                   int width)
This method indicates a new bar to be painted.

Specified by:
addBar in interface ClassicBarcodeLogicHandler
black - True if the bar is to be painted black, False if white/transparent
width - logical weight of the bar. Concrete implementations are free to define this to be height or width. For example, 1 may be interpreted as "narrow bar", 2 as "wide bar" for certain barcodes. While other barcodes might define 1 to be "short bar", 2 as "tall bar". Also, this should not be confused with the effective painting width, or the actual physical size of the bar.


public void endBarGroup()
This method indicates the end of a previously started bar group. The method calls to startBarGroup and endBarGroup form a stack.

Specified by:
endBarGroup in interface ClassicBarcodeLogicHandler


public void endBarcode()
This is always the last method called. It is called to inform the logic handler that the generation of barcode logic has stopped.

Specified by:
endBarcode in interface BarcodeLogicHandler


protected double getTextBaselinePosition()
Returns the vertical text baseline position.

the vertical text baseline position

barcode4j 2.1.0

Copyright © 2000-2010 Jeremias Maerki. All rights reserved.