barcode4j 2.1.0

Interface ClassicBarcodeLogicHandler

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractVariableHeightLogicHandler, DefaultCanvasLogicHandler, DefaultTwoDimCanvasLogicHandler, FourStateLogicHandler, ITF14CanvasLogicHandler, LoggingLogicHandlerProxy, POSTNETLogicHandler, UPCEANCanvasLogicHandler

public interface ClassicBarcodeLogicHandler
extends BarcodeLogicHandler

This interface defines methods to build classic 1D barcodes.

$Id:,v 1.2 2004/09/04 20:25:54 jmaerki Exp $
Jeremias Maerki

Method Summary
 void addBar(boolean black, int weight)
          This method indicates a new bar to be painted.
 void endBarGroup()
          This method indicates the end of a previously started bar group.
 void startBarGroup(BarGroup type, java.lang.String submsg)
          This method is called when a new group of bars is about to start.
Methods inherited from interface org.krysalis.barcode4j.BarcodeLogicHandler
endBarcode, startBarcode

Method Detail


void startBarGroup(BarGroup type,
                   java.lang.String submsg)
This method is called when a new group of bars is about to start. A group of bars may be generated by a character (or group of characters) of the message to be encoded or by a start/end control group.

type - a constant indicating the type of group. The meaning of the integer values is implementation-dependant.
submsg - In case of parts of the message to be encoded this parameter holds the character or characters being encoded.


void addBar(boolean black,
            int weight)
This method indicates a new bar to be painted.

black - True if the bar is to be painted black, False if white/transparent
weight - logical weight of the bar. Concrete implementations are free to define this to be height or width. For example, 1 may be interpreted as "narrow bar", 2 as "wide bar" for certain barcodes. While other barcodes might define 1 to be "short bar", 2 as "tall bar". Also, this should not be confused with the effective painting width, or the actual physical size of the bar.


void endBarGroup()
This method indicates the end of a previously started bar group. The method calls to startBarGroup and endBarGroup form a stack.

barcode4j 2.1.0

Copyright Š 2000-2010 Jeremias Maerki. All rights reserved.