SourceForge Project Page

Important information for Krysalis Barcode users

Krysalis Barcode becomes Barcode4J!

Krysalis Barcode has been renamed to Barcode4J and moved to its own SourceForge project.


We wanted to make this barcode package more visible and give it a more distinct name. Many people also called this package simply "Krysalis" but "Krysalis" is actually the name of the Community where this project lives in.

We know that this move may be a nuisance for those who already use Krysalis Barcode in production. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

What has been changed?

  • The project name (Krysalis Barcode to Barcode4J)
  • The new project website can be found under
  • The Java packages were renamed from org.krysalis.barcode to org.krysalis.barcode4j.
  • The main XML namespace declaration has changed from to
  • The JAR filenames are now "barcode4j*.jar" instead of "krysalis-barcode*.jar".

What do I have to change?

If you run into any trouble please don't hesitate to ask for help on the Barcode4J user mailing list.

Xalan extension

Change the namespace declaration in your stylesheets from xmlns:barcode="org.krysalis.barcode.xalan.BarcodeExt" to xmlns:barcode="org.krysalis.barcode4j.xalan.BarcodeExt"

SAXON extension

Change the namespace declaration in your stylesheets from xmlns:barcode="" to xmlns:barcode=""

FOP extension

Change the namespace declaration in your stylesheets from xmlns:barcode="" to xmlns:barcode=""

by Jeremias Märki