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Barcode4J Documentation Overview


This page describes the documentation structure for Barcode4J.

Barcode4J Documentation Links

The Barcode XML Format
describes the XML format used by Barcode4J to define barcodes. It also contains notes about the message format supported by each symbology.
Output Formats
gives information about the various output formats supported by Barcode4J and tells you how to implement additional output formats.
describes how Barcode4J was designed to implement and configure barcodes using XML, in a way that the whole package can easily be integrated into a bigger work.


These pages show Use Cases for generating barcodes using Barcode4J:

shows a use case for generating barcodes in SVG format format for XSL-FO documents.
describes the generation of an SVG format barcode in Java.

Creating Barcodes

These pages describe the differing dependencies and options for using Barcode4J:

...with FOP
describes how to generate barcodes within an XSL-FO document with that is processed with Apache FOP.
...with Xalan-J
describes how to generate barcodes in SVG format within an XSLT stylesheet that is processed with Apache Xalan-J
...with SAXON
describes how to generate barcodes in SVG format within an XSLT stylesheet that is processed with the SAXON XSLT Processor from Michael Kay.
...with a Servlet
describes a simple Servlet that can be used to generate barcodes in SVG, EPS or any supported bitmap format with a URL.
...from the Command Line
describes how to use the command line interface that comes with Barcode4J.
...embedding in Java (XML API)
describes how to integrate Barcode4J in a Java application using the XML API.
...embedding in Java (Bean API)
describes how to integrate Barcode4J in a Java application using the JavaBeans API.
...with Apache Ant
describes how to generate barcodes within an Ant script.

by Web Maestro Clay